Good Leaf Botanicals took the initiative to manage and empower communities in conservation areas to develop more. Production Forest, Protection Forest and Social Forestry at the specified. Distribution areas in five provinces on the island of Sumatra dan Kalimantan (Indonesian Kalimantan).

  • Kratom Farm
  • Producing Kratom Seeds
  • Producing Kratom Powder

We are a company engaged in agriculture.. We were founded in 2015 and now we have more than 20 hectares of ketum / kratom land, with a production capacity of up to 20 tonnes per month in the five designated grant distribution areas. Some of the focus of our company activities are :

Work with local communities Good Leaf Botanicals relies on a multistakeholder approach to inform wiser decision making. When dealing with resource management issues. As an Essential Ecosystem Selandy aims to cooperate with all parties who share objectives, coordinating and collaborating with partner projects within each five defined grant distribution areas. Selandy aims to ensure that every community will produce with good quality and hygienic by providing additional financial resources in order to obtain adequate facilities.

From Kalimantan Forest to Your Door

Good Leaf Botanicals  set up a house for the pproper drying of kratom at some of our selected sources in the Burneo Forest work closely with the local community to carry out processing according to our standards in order to get the correct and hygienic process in processing strictly implemented all manufacturing controls.

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